Hero photograph
Photo by Sherwood School

Stationery Packs 2024

Sherwood School —

Making your child's stationery as easy and cost-effective as possible.

We have organised the stationery packs for next year to keep things cost effective, less hassle for parents and to ensure that all our students have named stationery, consistent with other students in their year group.

Next year, your child's stationery will be split into three groups:

  • Book pack (organised by the school and fee charged to KINDO).
  • Class consumables (organised by the school and fee charged to KINDO).
  • BYO - Bring your own (families to purchase themselves or bring items from home).

Further information about your child's stationery will be sent home on Monday 11 December.

**Fees for 2024 will be loaded on KINDO for payment during Week 2 of Term 1. Parents will have until the end of Term 1 (if required) to pay the stationery fee.