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Sherwood Primary

School Newsletter - Term 3 Week 8 2023

Upcoming events

Term dates & holidays 2023


Cultural Celebration

by Sherwood School

Sherwood hosts seven schools celebrating their cultures

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Nau mai, haere mai

by Sherwood School

Welcome to our new students!

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Calendar Art orders open on Friday 15 September!

by Sherwood Parents Association

Look out for the flyers coming home next week with your child's special order code. You can get in early for your Christmas present shopping!

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Pizza Day is coming to Sherwood - Thursday 21 September!

by Sherwood Parents Association

Put away those lunchboxes and try a yummy Pizza Hut pizza for lunch - 3 choices available. Read on for more details.

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BASC Holiday Programme


Book now!

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2023 Northern Bays Winter Sports Festival

by Andrew Smart

Our Winter teams travel to Kristin School to compete in the Annual Northern Bays Winter Sports Festival

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Helping others in need

by Sherwood School

St Mary's by the Sea food drive

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2023 Primary Schools Badminton Team Challenge

by Andrew Smart

Sherwood's Year 5 & 6 badminton team take on the team challenge

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Congratulations Rata H!

by Sherwood School

Top Class and Top School for the 2023 NZ Rocks Times Tables Challenge!

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Primary Schools Rugby Festival - Round 2

by Andrew Smart

Sherwood tackles the final round of the Primary Schools Rugby Festival

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A big 'thanks' to our sponsors!

by Sherwood School

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Coops Football Coaching

by Sherwood School

Two Day Football Camp

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Engineering Brains Holiday Programme

by Sherwood School

Nutty Scientists

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