by Jeff Johnstone

KINDO Update

Jeff JohnstoneFebruary 2, 2022

How we have managed swimming credits from 2021

Our Kindo online school shop is designed to make it easy for you to complete permission slips and view, register and pay for all of your child's needs. If you are not already registered with Kindo, please do so via our school website by clicking here.

Obviously last year was a bit tricky with Swimming for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 not going ahead as planned. If you paid prior to the cancellation, you will have a credit because of this. To streamline the process for you, we have used your credit for this year's swimming when appropriate (so if you find your Kindo account doesn't show swimming or shows a reduced swimming charge, that's due to your 2021 credit). Those accounts with credits greater than the swimming costs ($70 or $90) will see a reduced Camp charge to reflect any unused credit.  

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