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Rata Learning

Treaty of Waitangi Mini Inquiry: 

During this unit, the students will learn about

-How, over time, have various New Zealand governments restricted voters' rights?

-How have people advocated for their rights?

-How did the Government respond to the hardships of the Great Depression?

Health Inquiry: Personal growth and identity. This will be done through a personal journal this year incorporating mindfulness, gratitude, and other such activities.

Other Inquiry Learning Area - Science:

Big Idea - Putting the me in Biome

Lines of Inquiry 

  • Your actions and attitudes will define how our natural world will look.

  • Each animal needs a specific biome to survive.


Reading -  We will be focusing on 

  • Making connections from what we already know to information in the text. 

  • Vocabulary understanding new words.

  • Synthesising-using the text information and own prior knowledge to develop new understandings.

  • Skimming and Scanning to find research information.

Writing - Our focus for this term will be how to write and structure an information report. We will also practise our editing and grammar skills using the Writers Toolbox modules.

During the final weeks of the term, we will be looking at features of a narrative piece of writing.

Oral Language - Chat groups, group and class discussions, presentations/sharing with the class.

Library Day - Wednesday


Due to the new Maths Curriculum coming into play this year, maths in class might look a little different. We will however, be working on getting a solid number knowledge base as well as working on real-life problems with the children and showing them a range of ways to solve these problems.

Maths linked to our Inquiry topic:

  • Calculating the area of biomes/habitats

  • Mapping/coordinates

  • Temperature changes-Graphs/Statements

  • Rainfall/extreme weather events-Graphs/Statements

Specialist Subjects (Wednesday):

PE - 

Focus: Auckland Cricket Sessions and NFL Flag Football 

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

  • Students will maintain regular participation in enjoyable physical activities in a range of environments and describe how these assist in the promotion of well-being

  • Students will identify the pressures that can influence interactions with other people and demonstrate basic assertiveness strategies to manage these

  • Students will develop more complex movement sequences and strategies in a range of situations

  • Students will participate in cooperative and competitive activities and describe how cooperation and competition can affect people’s behaviour and the quality of the experience

Please ensure your child has suitable footwear for sport on this day. They are also welcome to wear the school PE uniform if they have it, but this is optional. 

Music - 

Focus: Getting comfortable with set roles within a class band. Using musical and graphic notation. Learning a Maori haka, action song and moemoea (chant) that supports a particular occasion e.g. welcome, speech, Matariki.

Singing songs with a guitar accompaniment.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

1: Practical Knowledge: Being able to recognise the country or culture by observing the music and movement.

2: Developing ideas: Creating their own interpretations of their own country or culture.

3: Communicating and Interpreting:  Expressing any cultures they have explored by performing for others outside of their class eg assemblies

4: Understanding context  for different purposes and cultures. Recognising other student’s traditions by participating in their Music.

Art - 

Focus: Extending their knowledge of line and introducing value (tone) in art through perspective drawing. Developing their knowledge of shape and form through sculpture.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

  • Practical Knowledge through exploring various wet and dry media techniques

  • Developing ideas through analysing artists and planning and designing their own work

  • Communicating and interpreting through exploring the purpose behind artworks 

  • Understanding context through exploring artists and why they create art

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