Keeping our students safe before and after school
Video by Sherwood Primary
Sartors Avenue drop off and pick up
Keeping our students safe before and after school
We've made this video to ask parents to work with us to ensure our students are safe when they are dropped off or picked up before or after school.
Here are the key points:
Avoid this area if you can:
- Park further away and have your child walk the rest of the way to school (either with you or independently)
- Use another entrance to our school via King Richard Place or Montclair Rise.
Use the drop off and pick up zone as a taxi stand:
- Move your car forward if there is a gap in front of you to make space for other cars
Teach your child how to independently exit or get into the car
- They should always keep their seat belt on if the car is still moving
- Teach them how to get out of the car on the path side of the car and shut the door
- They should move away from the car and be able to put their bag on by themselves and walk to their classroom
Obey all road sign and road markings
- Don't leave your car unattended in the drop off and pick up area
- You are only allowed to wait in your car for 2 minutes before and after school
- No U turns and avoid making 3-point turns in driveways
- Do not stop and let your child out of the car on Yellow Lines on the road
- Do not park up the road on the opposite side before or after school