Reminder by

School Reminders

Sherwood TeamJanuary 25, 2023

Some useful information to help the year get off to a smooth start


Please advise us if your child will be absent via Seesaw – Absent Notifications, preferably before 8:00am. Failure to do this will result in us contacting you to follow up. Notification of a student's absence must be given every day that the student is away unless an arrangement has been made with the school.


Students who arrive at school after 8:50 am are late. Students must sign in at the school office and take a ‘Late Pass’, before going to class so the electronic roll can be updated by the school secretary. If students are often late, parents will be contacted. Continued lateness may result in a referral to the Attendance Service.


In the interests of sun safety our Sherwood uniform brimmed hat is a compulsory part of our uniform in Terms 1 and 4. Please make sure hats, as well as other items of uniform are clearly named so any misplaced items can be returned to your child.

School hours

Start of Day - Our classrooms are open from 8:30 am and students are encouraged to arrive at this time in order to get set up for the day. If students arrive before 8:30 am, they need to wait in the foyer by the office for the 8:30 am bell. No children should be at school unattended prior to 8:30 am. If they should be found early in the grounds they may be sent to BASC where a charge will occur. The school day begins in the classroom at 8:50 am for roll call. If students are late, they go to the office to collect a Late Card before going to their classroom.

Break Times – 10:00 – 10:20 am , 11:20 – 11:30 am. Please make sure the children have a small, healthy snack and a water bottle for these breaks.

Lunch Break - 12:30 - 1:25 pm

Lunch Eating – We eat our lunch at the end of the break at 1.10pm, after which children go straight into class for the afternoon programme. Sherwood is an Enviro School and any wrappers that come to school in lunchboxes will go back home in lunchboxes. We do not have bins to accommodate food wrappers etc. If your child is having a lunch order, please make sure you remember to provide them with morning tea also as it’s a long time until lunch eating. A small healthy brain food snack will keep them going until their lunch order arrives.

School ends at 3:00 pm and children should be collected by around 3:15pm. Please notify the office if you are delayed.

Further information on a variety of topics can be found on our website here: School Information

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