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Sherwood Primary

School Newsletter - Term 1 Week 0 2023

Start of 2023 dates


Meet the teacher next Tuesday

by Sherwood School

Bookings are still open!

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Second-hand Uniform shop is OPEN - Tuesday 31 January, 9.30am to 2.30pm.

by Sherwood Parents Association

Did your child have a growth spurt over the holidays? Or are you new to Sherwood Primary? We have a wide variety of uniform available in most sizes. Come and see us in the school foyer.

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Keeping our children sun safe

by Sherwood School

Does your child have a school sunhat?

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Your child's 2023 stationery is all sorted!

by Sherwood School

A reminder not to buy any stationery for your child for this year.

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Video: Avoiding chaos on Sartors Ave

Getting our kids safely to school

by Sherwood School

A reminder of what to do!

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Welcome Back to Sherwood Sport for 2023!

by Andrew Smart

Registrations for various sporting activities are now open. Read on to discover what is available...

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Ice Block Wednesdays will be back from lunchtime 8 February - Cash only

by Sherwood Parents Association

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School Community Picnic

by Sherwood School

Thursday 15 February 5:00pm - 7:30pm

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Kindo 2023

by Sherwood School

Kindo payments will be uploaded soon

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A big 'thanks' to our sponsors!

by Sherwood School

Please support our valued sponsors!

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Nutty Scientists

by Sherwood School

Since 1996, children around the world have benefited from the Nutty Scientists method for learning through fun science experiments. Now it is your turn.

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Chess Power

by Sherwood School

Term 1 class details

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