Welcome Rimu Term 2 by Carolyn Crow
Rimu Teachers — February 26, 2023
We hope you all had a restful break and your children are ready to dive into fun learning. A special welcome to Shaneeha Ray, who will join us in Rimu L this term.
This term we have an exciting Digital and Technology inquiry that will start with MOTAT’s visit. If we have a technology guru in the community who is interested in teaching our ākonga simple block coding, please get in touch with Miss Park via email: seonjinp@sherwoodprimary.school.nz.
Note that we are now going into colder months, therefore, students must wear their winter uniforms. Please refer to the school website to see what thermal underwear is allowed.
Rimu Team
Teachers: Seon Jin Park (Team Leader), Christina Purdon, and Lida Bredenkamp
Learning Assistant/ESOL Assistant: Sarah Cooling