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Sherwood Primary

School Newsletter - Term 2 Week 4 2024

Upcoming events

Assemblies this term

Term dates and public holidays

Term 2 - Ends Friday 5 July

Term 3 - Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September

Term 4 - Monday 14 October to Friday 20 December


Planting Day in action

by Karla Anderson

Last week we had a stunning day to fill and plant our newly built garden beds.

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2024 Senior Cross Country - Event Details

by Andrew Smart

It's that time of year again when our senior students take on the Cross Country Challenge!

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School attendance

by Sherwood School

Just a reminder of what you need to do to ensure we know where your child is during the school day.

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Northern Mystics Netball - Kids Go Free Promo

by Andrew Smart

The Mystics are back at the Trusts Arena next Monday 20th May taking on their Waikato rivals, the Avis Magic and they need all the support they can get!

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Healthy lunches

by Sherwood School

Fuel your child's body and mind

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Sherwood Sharks take Bronze

by Andrew Smart

Article written by Matilda Allatt, member of the Sherwood Sharks.

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Lost property alert!

by Sherwood School

Is your child's uniform named?

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Child restraints save lives!

by Sherwood School

A message from Constable Simon Fox

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A big 'thanks' to our 2024 sponsors!

by Sherwood School

Please support our valued sponsors!

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