Sherwood School Newsletter - Term 3 Week 0 2022
Monday 25 July - Term 3 starts
Friday 29 July - Reports going home via Seesaw
Student Leaders
The lovely people at Littlemore are overwhelmed by your generosity.
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Sherwood School
Key dates and information
Carolyn Crow
If you wish your child in Year 4-6 to do one or more of the ICAS Assessments, please register by August 1st.
A busy term ahead!
What do you think?
Is your child's uniform named?
Jeff Johnstone
10-week chess coaching programme starting soon!
Sherwood Parents Association
We are looking for some parents to become more actively involved with SPA. Check out our article for how you can help or come along to our next meeting on 2 August in the school staffroom.
Collect the stickers and the school gets free sports gear!
Marrzipan Drama is now accepting new enrolments for term 3!
Year 4, 5 & 6 students to wear masks indoors at school
We are looking to fill a number of roles within the Sherwood Parents Association team. Please have a look through the roles below. If you have any questions or for more information email
Advance notice of a change
Please support our valued sponsors!
Some rights reserved Sherwood Primary , 2024