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Nikau Learning

Treaty of Waitangi Mini Inquiry:

At the beginning of the term, we will focus on Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi). We will explore the following big ideas:

  • Māori history is the foundational and continuous history of Aotearoa New Zealand

  • Colonisation and settlement have been central to Aotearoa New Zealand’s history for the past 200 years

  • People’s lived experiences have been shaped by the use and misuse of power

  • People hold different perspectives on the world depending on their values, traditions and experiences

  • Interactions change societies and environments

Health Inquiry:

We will begin the term with visits from Harold, and the Life Education caravan. We will focus on relationships and communities. Incorporating our HEART values through everything that we do. 

Inquiry Learning Area: Technology

As we move throughout the term, our Inquiry will focus on communication. 

Big Idea -

We can explore how communication has evolved by learning about the past, present and future of technology.

Lines of Inquiry -

  • Understand how communication methods have evolved from early tools to modern digital technology

  • See how technology has changed the way people connect and share information


Reading - Making Connections to Prior Knowledge and Prediction

This term, we will focus on two important reading strategies. The first is making connections to prior knowledge. As students read, they will relate the text to their own experiences or what they already know. The second strategy is prediction, where students will make predictions about the text and explain their reasoning. We encourage students to support their predictions by using both the information in the text and their prior knowledge.

Writing - Writing to Inform (Information Report)

This term, we will focus on writing information reports. Learning how to communicate factual information clearly and effectively about a specific topic. Students will learn to structure their reports with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Using our Writer’s Toolbox, we will also revisit previously taught sentence structures, including Simple Sentences, Adverb Start sentences, and Very Short sentences. 

Oral Language - Taking on Roles -

We will engage in role-play activities to explore different types of communication throughout history, helping students understand how ways of sharing information have evolved.

Spelling - The Code -

We will enhance students' understanding of spelling patterns, rules, and morphology, helping them become more accurate spellers through our structured literacy program "The Code". These tools will provide a comprehensive approach to mastering spelling.

Library Day - Tuesday


Basic Facts Revision, Place Value, and Statistics

This term, we will review our basic facts knowledge, focusing on addition and subtraction up to 10 and 20. 

We will also strengthen our multiplication and division skills, with an emphasis on the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times tables. To support this, we have an exciting digital program called Times Tables Rock Stars, which will help reinforce our knowledge of fact families. 

For statistics, we will become data detectives by exploring data and the statistical enquiry cycle. Alongside this, we’ll focus on understanding the language of mathematics, building confidence in tackling word problems and applying maths to real-life situations.

Specialist Subjects (Tuesday):

PE - 

Focus: Auckland Cricket Sessions and Adventure Based Learning 

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

  • Participate in creative and regular physical activities and identify enjoyable experiences

  • Develop a wide range of movement skills, using a variety of equipment and play environments

  • Demonstrate respect through sharing and cooperation in groups

  • Express their own ideas, needs, wants, and feelings clearly and listen to those of other people

Please ensure your child has suitable footwear for sport on this day. They are also welcome to wear the school PE uniform if they have it, but this is optional. 

Music - 

Focus: Learning to sing along with a variety of instruments and backings, old and new songs. 

Using basic notations and symbols to read and play Music.

Learning a Maori haka, action song and moemoea (chant) that supports a particular occasion, e.g. welcome, speech, Matariki.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

1: Practical Knowledge: Seeing rhythms written down and playing them

2: Developing ideas: Using crotchets to semi quavers  and rests

3: Communicating and Interpreting: Sending messages representing different cultures

4: Understanding context  for different purposes and cultures. What does it mean to each culture?

Art - 

Focus: Developing their previous knowledge of the art elements colour and line, through the use of both wet and dry media and exploring various artists and the way they work.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

  • Practical knowledge through exploring wet and dry media techniques and materials

  • Developing ideas through creating their own individual artworks with inspiration from artists

  • Understanding context through exploring artists and why they make their work.

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