
Rimu Term 4 Learning

Rimu TeachersSeptember 13, 2023

Health - Sun Safety

We will teach students to be sun-safe with information about the sun, UV light and the ozone layer. New Zealand has the highest statistics of melanoma. It is important for our students to know how to keep themselves safe from the sun.

Inquiry Learning Area - Science

The Big Idea: We are the guardians/kaitiaki of our oceans.

Lines of Inquiry:

  • To encourage an increased knowledge of the ocean, particularly the Hauraki Gulf.

  • To build an understanding of the importance of the ocean to many people in various ways.

  • To think about kaitiakitanga and care for our ocean.

Literacy -

Reading: We will cover all the terrific ten comprehension strategies with the main focus on building vocabulary. Good readers notice words. The more words they know, the easier it is to understand a text.

Writing: For writing this term, we are going to cover the information report. This will include writing in the structure of having an introduction, 3 body paragraphs comprising of 3 facts, and a conclusion. It is important that students learn to expand on one topic per paragraph. We will explicitly teach expansion so they can add details to the facts.

Handwriting: We will continue learning cursive writing.

Mathematics -

Number: We will revise all 4 operations (+, -, x, ÷) with different strategies. We will be working with 2-digit numbers and higher.

In year 5, we recommend that children solidify their times table knowledge.
This will help them going forward into division and fractions.
The following websites will be helpful practising their times tables:

Times table

Strand: We will revise the strands we have covered including measurement, statistics, and space.

Te Reo Māori -
In alignment with our Young Ocean Explorers inquiry, we will learn the following words in Te Reo Māori: kai moana, names of marine animals, names of Aotearoa local areas, and simple instructions.

PE (Tuesday) -

Focus: Run, Jump, Throw and Invasion Games

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

  • Maintain regular participation in enjoyable physical activities in a range of environments and describe how these assist in the promotion of well-being.

  • Develop more complex movement sequences and demonstrate the ability to link them in order

  • Discovering our personal strengths and learning how to extend them.

  • Identify risks and their causes and describe safe practices to manage these.

  • Participate in cooperative and competitive activities and describe how cooperation and competition can affect people’s behaviour and the quality of the experience.

Please ensure your child has suitable footwear for sport on this day. They are also welcome to wear the school PE uniform if they have it, but this is optional.

Music (Tuesday) -

Focus: Using the talent in our classes and what we have learned to create a performance we can share with the rest of the school.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts

  • Practical Knowledge: Learning to sing and play

  • Developing ideas: How much do I know and how much to go.

  • Communicating and Interpreting: Dynamics

  • Understanding context for different purposes and cultures: Summer and Christmas around the world

Library (Tuesday)

Please remind students to return their library books on their library day, so they can get a new book to read.

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