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Sherwood Primary

School Newsletter - Term 4 Week 2 2023

Important dates



Keeping our children sun safe

by Sherwood School

Does your child have a school sunhat?

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Term 4 important dates

by Sherwood School

Do you have these dates in your calendar?

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Your Parents Association update for Term 4

by Sherwood Parents Association

Ice block sales are underway, the end of the year also means the Santa Parade is coming, and we have a school lunch planned for the end of term. Read on for a chance to support our school by ordering from Evan's Kebab in Northcross.

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Gumboot Friday

by Sherwood School

Friday 3 November

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Staff Friday Dress up

by Sherwood School

What's the theme this Friday?

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Nau mai, haere mai

by Sherwood School

Welcome to our new students!

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A big 'thanks' to our sponsors!

by Sherwood School

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Bricks for Kids

by Sherwood School

After School Lego Steam Classes

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Chess Power

by Sherwood School

Term 4 Programme

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Nutty Scientists

by Sherwood School

After school programme

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Junior Surf Programme

by Sherwood School

Starts Sunday 29 October

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