
Rata Term 4 Learning

Rata TeachersSeptember 13, 2023

Inquiry Learning Area - The Arts

Big Idea: Express yourself

Lines of Inquiry: People use dance to celebrate important events and express themselves.

Kotuitui Program - Children will learn bicultural and multicultural topics

Health -

Kotuitui Program - Football/futsal games

Hosting of major events like a World Cup which brings people of different cultures together to celebrate football or futsal.

Literacy -

Reading: This term will see us consolidate all the children's learning and have them demonstrate their comprehension skills, based on our 10 comprehension strategies. This will be done through projects relating to Aotearoa history.

Writing: This term for writing we will be focusing on using the different styles of sentences across all our writing the children have learnt during the year from Writers Tool box.

Mathematics -

Number: This term will be revision with a spotlight on times tables, in preparation for intermediate school.

Below are some websites to help practice Math at home.


Steve Storm and the tables of doom



Times Tables Rockstars

Other Math Strands:

Algebra - How to determine members of sequential patterns, given their ordinal positions, describe spatial and number patterns, as well as using tables and graphs.

Digital Technology -

Minecraft Education, Google Classroom, Writers Tool Box, Planning a yearbook page digitally.

Te Reo Māori -

This will be linked to reading with units of work on specific historical events, such as Parihaka and the Maori land wars. Weekly practice of the language will continue.

PE (Wednesday) -

Focus: Run, Jump, Throw and Invasion Games

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts

  • Maintain regular participation in enjoyable physical activities in a range of environments and describe how these assist in the promotion of well-being.

  • Develop more complex movement sequences and demonstrate the ability to link them in order

  • Discovering our personal strengths and learning how to extend them.

  • Use modified equipment in a range of contexts and identify how this enhances movement experiences.

Please ensure your child has suitable footwear for sport on this day. They are also welcome to wear the school PE uniform if they have it, but this is optional.

Music (Wednesday) -

Focus: Exploring sounds to accompany Summer songs we sing and hear, and creating movement to express our sounds.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts

  • Practical Knowledge: Timbre

  • Developing ideas: Growing an idea

  • Communicating and Interpreting: What do we want to hear

  • Understanding context for different purposes and cultures: Summer and Christmas around the world

Art - (Wednesday)

Library - (Wednesday)

Please remind students to return their library books on their library day, so they can get a new book to read.

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