Learn by Carolyn Crow

Term 1 Learning

Rata TeachersJanuary 26, 2023

We look forward to a term full of exciting learning

Inquiry Learning Area - Social Science

Big Idea: In the year 2080 what will Auckland look like?

Lines of Inquiry: 

  • The future is renewable resources.
  • Our world is important to us. We drive the change.
  • Your decisions and choices now will shape your world in the future.
  • What sustainable practices will make for a better world in the future?

Health - 

Personal growth and identity. This will be done through a personal journal this year incorporating mindfulness, gratitude, and other such activities.

Pau Te Hau-Get Puffed A classroom-based physical exercise and movement research project run by AUT. More will follow on this.

Literacy -

Reading: We will focus on research skills such as skimming and scanning, Synthesising and building vocabulary knowledge while reading about sustainable practices.

At this year level, children are expected to read a book of their choice for 15-20min every day.

Writing: We will be teaching very specific sentence structures based on our online programme Writers ToolBox this year starting with the simple sentence, adverb start, and the very short sentence.

Mathematics -


  • Statistical investigation - Conduct investigations using the statistical inquiry cycle
  • Statistical literacy
  • Probability


This year we will be working on real-life problems with the children and then showing them a range of ways to solve these problems.

Below are some websites to help practice Maths at home.

Steve Storm



Times Tables

Digital Technology - 

Digital Citizenship rules - ongoing throughout the year.

Google Classroom and Canva will be new tools introduced to the children as well as participating in using Minecraft Education throughout the year.

Te Reo Māori - 

Daily use of the language plus Treaty of Waitangi, Kaitiakitanga, Matariki, Early Life in NZ, Parahaki, Myths and Legends, Protocol about visiting a Marae.

PE (Wednesday) -

Please ensure your child has suitable footwear for sport on this day. They are also welcome to wear the school PE uniform if they have it, but this is optional.

Focus: Adventure-Based Learning and Let’s Kick It (Football)

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts:

  • Identify risks and their causes and describe safe practices to manage these.

  • Participate in cooperative and competitive activities and describe how cooperation and competition can affect people’s behaviour and the quality of the experience.

  • Develop more complex movement sequences and strategies in a range of situations.

  • Celebrating the game of football and New Zealand’s role in hosting the tournament, and bringing this to life in a learning context for our tamariki.

Music (Wednesday) -

Focus: Recognising, playing and singing songs from around the world represented in our class or kura.

NZ Curriculum Key Concepts

1: Practical Knowledge: Being able to recognise the country or culture by observing the music and movement.

2: Developing ideas: Creating their own interpretations of their own country or culture.

3: Communicating and Interpreting: Expressing any cultures they have explored by performing for others outside of their class e.g. assemblies

4: Understanding context for different purposes and cultures. Recognising other students’ traditions by participating in their music.

Art (Wednesday) -

Year 6 students are very fortunate to have a weekly art lesson with Miss Powell again this year.

Library - (Wednesday)

Please remind students to return their library books on their library day, so they can get a new book to read.

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