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Sherwood Primary

School Newsletter - Term 1 Week 4 2023

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Summer Dress-up gold coin fundraiser

by Sherwood School

Friday 3rd March

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We need YOUR help!

by Sherwood Parents Association

The Sherwood School Colour Run is coming on 31 March. The students will be participating in a fun afternoon of obstacles, colour powder and water. We need parents or caregivers to help out setting up and during the event.

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Join the Sherwood Parent Association Facebook Group now!

by Sherwood Parents Association

This is an opportunity to network with other parents in our school community and have your input into the activities and fundraising undertaken by the PTA.

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Nau mai, haere mai

by Sherwood School

Welcome to our new students!

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Connecting with our school community

by Sherwood School

Upcoming community group events

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Behaviour at School

by Sherwood School

How does the school handle behaviour issues?

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Play by the rules

by Sherwood School

Avoid being fined!

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Seeking sponsors

by Sherwood School

Thought about your business sponsoring our school?

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A big 'thanks' to our sponsors!

by Sherwood School

Please support our valued sponsors!

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Taekwondo classes

by Sherwood School

Every Tuesday in Term 2

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