D Thompson and C Cooper — Mar 25, 2021

Please advise the school office as soon as possible by telephone, email or school app if your son is going to be absent from school.

You must leave a reason for your son's absence as this is a Ministry of Education requirement. Failure to supply a reason for absenteeism will result in your son being marked as an unjustified absence.

If your son will be absent for part of the day to attend an appointment etc, please tell us the time  he is leaving school, and the expected time he will be returning.

If your year 12 or year 13 son has a study period, please remind them these must be taken at school, and they need to sign in at the library.  Failure to do so will result in them being marked absent for that period.

We have several cases recently of boys leaving school saying that they have spoken to a parent or caregiver via text or mobile phone, who has given them permission to leave the school grounds.  Please do not encourage or allow your son to do this. We need to account for all our students at all times, especially in the event of an emergency evacuation. 

Your co-operation is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Debbie Thompson

No boy claiming to be ill should leave school to go home during the day unless they have been processed through the Sick Bay.

That means that I, or someone else from the School staff, will have contacted you or another nominated family member to advise you of your son’s condition and to check if you are able to pick him up from school. After discussion with you, a decision will be made on the course of action to be taken. No boy should be making these arrangements themselves, either by phone or text

Parents can aid our treatment process by not making arrangements with your son direct. Please contact Sick Bay so that our assessment process can take place.

I am fully aware that a lot of our parent community works, and therefore I will only send boys home if it is absolutely necessary. Parents should not have to take time off work because their son has a minor ailment that can be treated onsite without missing too much class time.

Any boy who leaves the school without going through the correct procedure will have their Attendance Record marked “Unexplained Absence” or “Truant” to reflect that decision.

If any medical or social problems arise throughout the year, it is best that this information be given to the School. There is a wide support network here, including House Leaders, Counsellors, Deans, Teachers and Sick Bay staff who can be of great assistance to your son. 

It would be advantageous for us to be aware of  any issues that may arise outside of school, that could possibly have an impact at school. Confidentiality is assured, but secrecy of issues may lead to more problems.

We would also appreciate it, if you could ensure your contact numbers are kept up-to-date, thus avoiding delays should we need to contact you. It can be very frustrating trying to contact caregivers in an emergency when we have incorrect cell phone, work or home numbers.

Thank you for your co-operation in these matters. Like a hospital, we are always trying to reduce the number of patients we see but if your son does present to Sick Bay, you can be assured that we will do our best to ensure his well-being and recovery.

Clare Cooper 
Sick Bay.