Jamyn Keats — Feb 13, 2018

The SBHS Tabloid Sports were held on Monday the 5th of February at Burwood Park in perfect sunny conditions.

With a multitude of different events to compete in such as the sack race, egg and spoon, quoits and relays, individual form classes had the chance to earn points for their respective house.

Much fun was had by staff and students alike and the day proved to be an awesome introduction for our new students to engage with their older peers.

At the conclusion of  two and a half hours  of fierce competition, the overall House points for the day looked like this…

Mullins 1331 = 1st

Aoraki 1299 = 2nd

Blake 1272 = 3rd

Snell 1160 = 4th

A big thanks to all that contributed to the running of the day with special mention to the PE staff and Jo from food-tech who keep the staff fed!