Murray Wright — Mar 14, 2017

All year 9 students have now been through their library orientation, where they learnt how our library works. They were amazed at the huge collection (8000 books) that we have.

I encouraged them to read fiction to improve their grammar, spelling, punctuation as well as broadening their knowledge. One student suggested reading provided inspiration, which I was very impressed with, as I have tended to suggest the idea of stimulating the imagination as a reason to read. One dedicated reader said it was enjoyment that kept him reading.

The year 9 students have been keener than usual to borrow books, I just hope they get read.

The main purpose of this article is to publicise the fact that the library catalogue can be accessed on line by students at school, or at home. The library system is called ‘Oliver’ and once on the internet, the following URL gets you to the library homepage:

Once there, click on OPAC and a search can be made for topics, authors or book titles held in our library.

Remember, that if you live in the Christchurch City Council, area your son can join the library free and have access to many digital resources that we cannot afford.

Murray Wright (Teacher/Librarian)