Friends from Japan
Janina Konia - August 5, 2015
This year we are pleased to welcome a group of 26 students and one teacher from Toho for three weeks and 11 students and one teacher from Akiminami for ten days. They are spending their time here visiting local attractions and being educated about New Zealand culture and language within our school.
The powhiri, led fiercely by junior and senior students from our Te Reo Māori Department, was a cultural experience which the visiting schools found enthralling. Much fun was had afterwards eating and comparing music interests and dance moves.
Toho and Akiminami are enjoying their English language studies each morning with Ms Vandenberg, Ms Silverwood and Mrs Konia. They are also integrating into our Japanese, Social Studies, English and Te Reo Māori classes. These integrated classes have been a highlight for the students as they enjoy chatting together, and it’s a great opportunity for learning more about each others’ country, language and culture.
One such class involved Toho and Akiminami teaching all Year 10 Shirley students to make origami paper cranes in preparation for assembling a collaborative ‘peace’ artwork. During Japanese classes, the reciprocal learning between Shirley, Toho and Akiminami has been invaluable. The students enjoyed being able to interact with each other in both languages and responded with; ‘It was useful and fun talking to Japanese students and testing out our Japanese skills. Can we do it again?’
Afternoons are spent participating in a wide variety of interesting activities and excursions such as: Sports, Willowbank, ice-skating, boating on the Avon and Hanmer Springs. Akiminami High School will leave us on August 11 and Toho High School on August 18. Until then, we look forward to the upcoming activities and events surrounding their visit.
Thank you to the host families for your care and support of our whanau from Japan. Here are some photos of the students enjoying life here at Shirley Boys.