Hero photograph
Photo by Blake Wells

Headmasters Message

Tim Grocott —

Dear Parents and Whānau

Haere Mai, warm Pacific greetings and welcome to the 2020 school year. It has been an exciting start for us as this is the first year we have begun at our new site at Ōrua Paeroa. It has been good to begin the year with a focus on teaching and learning rather than worrying about logistical issues such as moving.

The first few days were busy and I felt very privileged to be welcomed as the new Headmaster alongside our new Year 9 boys and new staff to Shirley Boys’ High School at the Pōwhiri on Wednesday 29 January. The Pōwhiri was well attended by a large number of whānau and it was nice to see those new to the school being involved from day one.

In 2020 we welcome a number of new staff. These are:

Mr Thomas Goode (Commerce); Mr Nathan Thompson (English); Mr Enoka Taufua (Physical Education & Health); Ms Jasmin Smith (Food Technology); Mrs Pam Murray (Learning Support Coordinator); Mr Nathan Munn (English/Drama): Mr Greg Lucas (Mathematics); and Ms Michelle Frisby and Ms Louise Warlow who are new Teacher Aide.

Image by: Sandra McKernan

In 2020 there will be an increased focus on student achievement. Our NCEA results in 2019 were not as good as we would have liked. There were areas that we did well, and congratulations must go to our Scholarship winners Bhumik Patel in Accounting and Chemistry; Noah Harnett in Photography; and 2019 Year 12 student Sam Rautao in English; but overall we are looking to significantly improve in 2020 and beyond.

To achieve this, we aim to focus on student success by developing a range of strategies that support boys to engage with learning. We will provide high quality learning through developing programmes and strategies which support all students to learn, and promoting high quality teaching. Positive and strong relationships will continue to be a priority for us and that also involves parents and whanau. In 2020 Shirley Boys’ High School will be attempting to engage parents and whanau meaningfully in their son’s education.

Success in schools involves a partnership between the student, the family and the school. When all three partners are working closely together, communicating regularly and supporting each other then the chance of boys achieving well increase dramatically. Shirley Boys’ High School is committed to doing this in 2020 and will be communicating regularly about our priorities and expectations, and will hold hui and events to help families support their sons’ learning.

It is important at the start of the year that we reinforce messages around uniform, behaviour and how the boys manage themselves about the school. Boys getting enough sleep, managing their time and other commitments, and being well prepared for school will help us create a calm ordered environment.

I look forward to meeting a number of you over the coming weeks and wish you and your son/s all the best for a successful year.

Ngā mihi

Tim Grocott