John Laurenson — Nov 6, 2016

Dear Parent,

It has been brought to my attention that a firm calling themselves NSR, Australia and NZ have had their representatives approach younger athletes in a variety of codes (the latest being rugby) inviting them to come into their United States College Placement Program.

The cost for this service is currently $3,985 Australian, paid upfront.

I urge caution as far as this as an option for your son is concerned. The NSR programme offers assistance, in getting to a US college but as far as I can see they do not guarantee that your son will be successful in getting into a US college.

Frankly, if I speak as a parent, I would be encouraging my son or daughter to work on their athletic skills, but I certainly would not be paying anything at all to a firm that does little more than what any parent could do, if they had an athletically talented child.

My message is simple, do extensive checks on this firm and indeed any firm offering such a service and find out what they actually deliver, before you give them any money at all.


John Laurenson