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NCEA French Day

NCEA French Day 2021

Suzy Lallemant —

The annual NCEA French Day was held at the University of Canterbury on Friday 11 June.

French students from years 11, 12 and13 enjoyed the chance to join with other Christchurch secondary schools for a day of French activities and learning a little more about the possibilities of tertiary language study and career options. 

The workshops started French conversation skills in some ice-breaker activities, then moved on to a range of activities including speaking and cultural activities and a treasure hunt around the UC campus, which included free ice cream! 

The day was capped off with all 300 students doing a flashmob dance to “Coton Ouaté” then a giant Kahoot! Our students were so well practiced they danced in the front row! 

Of course, no French day would be complete without French food. This year it was brioche provided by the lovely Thierry from the Ilam Village Bakehouse. 

The day is a wonderful opportunity to connect with students from other schools, but also to start making connections with lifelong language possibilities beyond school. 

Vive la France!!