Matt Sharr — Apr 10, 2017

Sports Fees are incurred for each sport and physical activity at Shirley Boys’ High School. These are determined largely by the costs associated with running the particular activity. It should be noted that more often than not, the fees do not reflect the total costs involved, so it is vitally important that when students opt into these activities, the associated fees are paid.

Shirley Boys High School operates a ‘No Pay – No Play’ policy designed to ensure that the benefactors (the students) contribute appropriately to the costs associated with their chosen activity(s). Students are expected to have either completed the payment of Sport Registration Levy and Sport Fee(s), in full, prior to playing or to have arranged a suitable payment scheme approved by the particular code and the Student Office.

Due to non-payment in Term 1, some students will be unable to participate in their Winter activities.

Students can apply to the PTA for funding supporting at the beginning of each term for up to $500 (closing date end of Week 4). The application forms can be obtained from the student office.

In addition, students can approach their coaches for support from the Spartans Sport Committee.

In order to be considered for funding, students must  meet their obligations of the fortnightly reports and commitments to their team/s.

Matt Sharr

Assistant Headmaster Co-Curricular