Hanka Scott — May 5, 2021

are managed online by SchoolDocs.

They are maintained and updated regularly to make sure they comply with the Ministry of Education requirements and follow the Ministry best-practice guidelines.

Policies are reviewed at regular intervals. The Board does some reviews, but the majority are reviewed by both the Board and staff, or the whole school community: Board, staff and parents. Parents will be informed via school newsletter when a policy is up for review. Reviewers can rate policy content as well as its implementation and they can offer comments on both.

The Policy and procedure up for review by parent community this term:

Please login to SchoolDocs (www.schooldocs.co.nz) and click on the Current Review tab to find the policy.

Username: shirley

Password: ShirleyMan

1. Read the policy.

2. Click the red Policy Review icon at the right-hand top corner of the page. A new screen will appear.

3. Select your role (board member, staff member, or parent/caregiver) from the drop-down list.

4. Enter your name (optional).

5. Submit your ratings and comments.