Tim Grocott — Sep 4, 2018

Over the last few months the Police have been targeting young drivers at and around all schools across Christchurch, and they will continue to do so over the remainder of the year.

The main focus of the operation has been boys on a Learner's Licence driving unaccompanied, which they are not allowed to do; and driving on a Learner's Licence without displaying L Plates. 

Driving unaccompanied carries a $100 fine and 35 demerit points. Driving without L Plates carries a $100 fine and 25 demerit points. They are also focusing on boys on a Restricted Licence who carry passengers. This also carries a $100 fine and 35 demerit points.

The Police have asked us to let our boys and community know about their operation and we strongly encourage boys to comply with the law when it comes to driving, and keep themselves safe at all times.