Hero photograph
Eco Action Club
Photo by Dave Newton

Eco Action Club Sept

Dave Newton —

Term 3, Week 8 - Eco Action work done

Vege Garden

Planted carrots on paper tape through mulch with strips cut out of it into Plot 2. Seed tapes covered with potting mix.

Harvested Spinach and greenhouse lettuce to donate to family. Weeded under broad beans which recovered from wind and hail damage. A lot of flowers but no bees so poor set anticipated. Brassica species disappointing as not enough nutrients in ground. Need more fertility development.


Broadleaf Kapuka Griselinia littoralis, Putaputaweta Carpodetus serratus, Fivefinger Pseudopanax arboreus, coprosma crassifolia, Mingimingi* Muehlenbeckia astonii, Rohutu Lophomyrtus obcordata seed trays germinated. (as per photo)

100 Flax (mountain) Phormuim cookianum, 100 coprosma crassifolia pricked out into 50x50x150 pots to grow on prior to PB3.