Sandra Wolland — Feb 10, 2020

The Payment Centre is located next to reception, in the main foyer.

Students can make payments

Parents and Caregivers are welcome during  these times, and also during the school day.

Students must not visit during class time. 

Student account statements are due to be sent out soon at the end of this term. Please check these carefully.  

Payments can be made at the payment centre, (Eftpos, cash or cheque) or online (account number03-0855-0333927-01).

If paying online, please ensure that the student's name and student number (five digit number shown on statement) are entered as references. Also, please state any preferred charges that the payment should be allocated to.

The school welcomes parents paying by automatic payment over the course of a year. This can be done via online banking or by going in to your bank and completing a form.

Payments received with no specific instructions are applied (as much as possible) to student account charges with the following priority:

1. Exam fees and purchases (eg. optional sports clothing, event tickets and trips)

2. Co-curricular activity charges (eg. sports)

3. Curriculum subject/activity donations

4. General donations (tax deductible)

No more than $300 in Co-Curricular charges will be permitted to accrue on a student’s account without prior approval.

Caregiver approval and account credit (or automatic payment) is required before students can “charge” things to their account.

If you have any queries relating to student accounts, please contact Sandra Wolland on 375 7057 extension 593 or email