Dave Newton — Mar 8, 2017

On 8 March, the group helped both the Otakaro (Avon River) and Inangas (adult whitebait) to produce a better whitebait run, when it provided planting expertise and plants to the Christs' College Environment Committee at Kerrs Reach.

Carex secta “pukio” marsh grasses drape into the water and grow at the river’s edge. They are essential for whitebait survival as the eggs are laid on a king tide when the moon is full. The eggs are therefore out of the water developing for a complete month away from predator fish and then hatch when they are covered in the next king tide a month later. Carex secta provides this essential whitebait habitat. About 20 were planted on the banks of the Otakaro at the Porritt Park loop with other species planted behind them to provide bird food; fruit (karamu) and nectar (kowhai, ti).

Environment Committee SBHS in association with SBHS Eco-Action

A large group of environmentally-aware SBHS students pitched in and helped plant three of the four planter boxes which had previously been made under Mr Dixons' Leadership Group programme. The other planter will follow.

The grown plants will provide life and green colour to the quad area helping to improve the general environment for all SBHS students.

SBHS Eco Action provided the automatic irrigation system, weed mat and plants from their new nursery which now boasts about 800 plantable shrub sized native trees.

Mr Newton would like anyone who wants to help out to see him in F8 or after school for an hour on a Tuesday or Wednesday.

Vege Garden

Continued harvesting a lot of veges weekly and increased donations to help feed two families totalling 12 people. The tomato growing frame has worked well as has the new cover over the brassicas (cabbages, broccoli and cauliflower). No cabbage white butterfly caterpillar damage has occurred. Helped by two new students Jacob and Joel as well as Zac. Thanks. Garden judged by Canterbury Horticultural Society with positive comments made. Results in April.


Potted up another 300 plants of four species with at least 1000 due. Planted seeds of 12 species Eco sourced from Travis wetland and its immediate environs. The sandhill area on the North side of the entry is a close match to what can be expected on the new SBHS site. Helped by Finn, Leighton, Zac and Miguel. Thanks

Plants grown by us were used to plant up the school quad area which enhances and softens that environment surprisingly well. The Environment Committee of the school council did the planting, thanks.


Bees still healthy with about 2% deformed wings and flightless. Took off two boxes of honey but yet to spin it out so no accurate yield. Anti varoa strips put in hive for 6 week treatment. Hive reduced to 1 ¾ supers below the queen excluder and cap. Plenty of honey and pollen stored for winter use so all good. Thanks to Chris Hutchinson.