J Duder — Mar 1, 2016

Physical Education at Shirley Boys’ High School is a practical subject in which we focus on active participation. We deliver our programme in, through and about movement.

With this in mind, we expect all students to have the correct uniform (polo, shorts and socks) for practical PE classes at all times. If your son is injured or unwell he will still bring his gear and get changed and will communicate his level of participation once he is informed of the lesson outcomes from the teacher. He can still participate in a modified programme to be established at his teachers discretion and will always have a role within the class. Not participating essentially means he is missing out on his education. We encourage honest communication between student and teacher and therefore do not require notes from home explaining the injury or illness. Your son has a responsibility to communicate the reasons for his reduced level of participation and will give a guideline of the period of time in which he will be working at this reduced level of participation. If there are circumstances whereby your son has lost or is unable to bring the correct PE gear to class, he must bring a suitable alternative to wear for that one lesson and will be marked as incorrect gear for the lesson. This, although not ideal is favourable over not bringing gear at all.

We appreciate the parents support in this,

Regards Juliet Duder HOD PE