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SBHS Parent Portal

S McKernan - February 23, 2016

This can be found by clicking the blue button on our website (top left on homepage).

Via your own unique logon and password, the portal gives you access to many aspects of your son’s education.

The pages available include:

  • His timetable
  • Daily notices
  • Contact details (and a request form to change them if they are out of date)
  • Attendance
  • NCEA Summary
  • Current Year Results
  • All years’ results
  • Groups (sporting, cultural etc), Pastoral (not all are posted to the web)
  • Fees and charges

You should now have received your logon. Your son already has his. Your personal logon is slightly different from your son’s, as his doesn’t have access to the fees or details page.

If you are in a shared custody arrangement, the Primary Caregiver has full rights while the Secondary Caregiver sees the same pages as a student.

Please note that all data is live and will be available to you as soon as it is entered (you can check at lunch time if your son was present in the morning). However, because the data is live, there may be the occasional omission or mistake.

We hope that you take full advantage of this free service and encourage you sit with your son and to go through it. 

For any logon issues please contact the school office