
Ms J Herman —

The following courses are available for study in 2024

Music: 11Mus Full Year

Course Description: Students will develop skills in a variety of different musical areas including Performance, Theory and Aural, Composition (creating music) and Music Studies in a variety of genres. Students will develop a wide-ranging knowledge of music and musicianship.

In 2023 students will be doing the new NCEA in Music for Level 1 and this involves 4 standards that are worth 5 credits each.

The Achievement standards are:

1.1: Use music styles (internal)

1.2:Demonstrate performance skills (internal)

1.3: Demonstrate understanding of music in relation to contexts (external).

1.4: Shape music ideas to create an original composition (external).

Recommended Entry Criteria: By the end of 10Mus or 10Mux, students must meet the standard required in performance, have the equivalent of grade 1 theory and ear training, and have had instrumental lessons for approximately two years.

Qualifications to be gained: Level 1 Achievement Standards credits, Internal and External.

Restrictions: Must have access to a musical instrument and must be receiving tuition. Students are encouraged to be a member of a group either at school or independently i.e Choir, Jazz Band, Jazz Combo or another group or band. If possible, entering RockQuest and/or Tangata Beats in a band or as a Solo/Duo is highly encouraged and supported.

Next step: 12Mus and/or 12Mut

Contact Person: Ms Herman

Music: 12Mus Full Year

Course Description: Students can select a combination of Performance (Solo, Group and Second Instrument), Composition and Instrumentation Achievement Standards. Music Works and/or Score Reading are the external exams for this course.

Recommended Entry Criteria: Minimum of 10 credits in 11Mus, access to an instrument and have had musical instrument lessons for approximately three years.

Qualifications to be gained: Level 2 Achievement Standards credits. Internal and External.

UE Literacy: Yes - 6 Credits Writing 2.7 Music Studies (Music Works External)

4 Level 1 literacy credits (NZ Music Research 2.9)

Restrictions: Should have a musical instrument and be receiving tuition. Students are encouraged to be a member of a group either at school or independently i.e Choir, Jazz Band, or a contemporary group. Entering RockQuest and/or Tangata Beats in a band or as a Solo/Duo is highly encouraged and supported.

Next step: 13Mus or 13Mut

Contact Person: Ms Herman

Music: 13Mus Full Year

Course Description: Students can select a combination of Performance (Solo, Group and Second Instrument), Composition, Song-Writing and Arranging Achievement Standards. Music Studies is assessed externally. This course is essential for students wishing to study Music at tertiary institutions and the program allows for an individual's strengths to be enhanced.

Recommended Entry Criteria: Minimum of 10 credits in 12Mus

Qualifications to be gained: Level 3 Achievement Standards credits, Internal and External.

UE Literacy: Yes, 6 credits Reading (Research a Music Topic)

UE Approved: Yes

Restrictions: Should have a musical instrument and be reading Music at Grade 3 or similar. Students are encouraged to be a member of a group either at school or independently i.e Choir, Jazz Band, Jazz Combo, or another group or band and have had musical instrument lessons for approximately four years. Entering RockQuest and/or Tangata Beats as a band or as a Solo/Duo is highly encouraged and supported.

Contact Person: Ms Herman

Music Tuition - All Year Levels

Instrumental and vocal music lessons

Instrumental lessons are only available to those who take music as an option.

Instrument hire (if required) to be negotiated with Ms Herman

Lessons generally operate in small groups and run for approximately 20 minutes. The music lessons run separately from the option music classes, so students will often need to come out of other classes at various times throughout the week. There is some flexibility with lesson times so students can sometimes do their lessons at interval or lunchtime. Students are issued with a ‘Music Pass Card’ to show teachers when they leave for instrumental lessons.

Instrumental lessons cost: Free