Clare Cooper — Feb 11, 2019

If your son presents to Sick Bay, we will endeavour to treat the problem and return him to the classroom, either immediately or in due course following treatment.

Sending a boy home is only done after due care and consideration and if there is no other alternative. Should he need hospital treatment, we will evaluate the situation as to whether he can be taken by a caregiver, or in the more urgent cases, we will arrange for an ambulance. A staff member would always accompany your son to hospital and would stay with him until family arrive.

We do not routinely dispense general medication such as “Paracetamol” for the treatment of headaches. Rest and rehydration are our main courses of action. Some over-the-counter medicines may be dispensed but only after seeking your approval. 

* If you wish to give us permission in advance to administer Paracetamol, then please email me and I will add the information to your son’s records.

Agreement for Administration of Prescribed Emergency (or Non-emergency) Medication by School Staff

You need to fill in the form “Medicine Authority Form” (available from the Sick Bay) if:

· your son suffers on a regular basis from certain complaints and you have medicine that will alleviate those symptoms; or

· he suffers from an allergy or condition that requires emergency medication; or

· he needs regular prescribed medication.

This Agreement is to be signed off by you and the School. All medicines relevant to these Agreements are then secured under lock and key until such time as your son requires it.

The most common complaints relate to headaches and sore stomachs, but many boys need to learn how to prevent such complaints arising. Often they are overdressed such as wearing a full winter uniform in the height of summer and have become dehydrated due to the heat. Dressing appropriately for the weather conditions and ensuring that they are constantly drinking water through the day (either from their own water bottle or from one of the many water fountains around the school) will alleviate most of the problems. 

Sore stomachs are often a result of no breakfast or inappropriate mixtures of foods as substitute breakfasts. The school canteen has a good range of appropriate foods available for breakfast and lunches. If it is not possible for the boys to source these meals at home, then please use the canteen rather than stock up on fast food and energy drinks on the way to school. 

No boy claiming to be ill should leave school to go home during the day unless they have been processed through the Sick Bay. That means that I, or someone else from the School staff, will have contacted you or another nominated family member to advise you of your son’s condition and to check if you are able to pick him up from school. After discussion with you, a decision will be made on the course of action to be taken. No boy should be making these arrangements themselves, either by phone or text. Parents can aid our treatment process by not making arrangements with your son direct. Please contact Sick Bay so that our assessment process can take place. 

I am fully aware that a lot of our parent community work, and therefore I will only send boys home if it is absolutely necessary. Parents should not have to take time off work because their son has a minor ailment that can be treated onsite without missing too much class time.

Any boy who leaves the school without going through the correct procedure will have their Attendance Record marked “Unexplained Absence” or “Truant” to reflect that decision.

If any medical or social problems arise throughout the year, it is best this information be given to the School. There is a wide support network here, including House Leaders, Counsellors, Deans, Teachers and Sick Bay staff who can be of great assistance to your son. However, we need to be aware of issues that may arise outside of school, but have impact within the school. Confidentiality is assured, but secrecy of issues may lead to more problems.

We would also appreciate it, if you could ensure your contact numbers are kept up-to-date, thus avoiding delays should we need to contact you. It can be very frustrating trying to contact caregivers in an emergency when we have incorrect cell phone, work or home numbers.

Thank you for your co-operation in these matters. Like a hospital, we are always trying to reduce the number of patients we see, but if your son does present to Sick Bay, you can be assured that we will do our best to ensure his well-being and recovery. If you have any questions, please call me.

Clare Cooper.

Phone: 375 7057 ext 256
DDI: 929 0685