Gail Collier — Aug 10, 2020

From Learning Support at SBHS –Tautoko Akoranga i te Ōrua Paeroa

Each year, some students are approved to use Special Assessment Conditions of a Reader and/or Writer due to learning difficulties. This means that a Reader Writer Assistant acts as their eyes and hands; they read the assessment aloud and/or writes down the students’ answers on their behalf – the student communicates their knowledge verbally. This assistance can be a huge practical help for students, enabling them to overcome barriers that might otherwise prevent success. They are always grateful for the help.

In late November to early December, NZQA pay Reader Writer Assistants for the NCEA external examination help. Whereas, during the school year of internal assessment, SBHS provide a petrol voucher to cover the costs of transport to and from school. Reader Writer Assistants need to be available for both.

We would like to increase the number of reader / writer volunteers available. Training and support will be given, and a compulsory police check is carried out due to government regulations. Volunteers need to have a clear speaking voice, legible handwriting, good spelling and punctuation skills. It is an ideal position for someone recently retired, or currently working only part-time hours.

If you have some time and would like to volunteer, please phone our Learning Support Coordinators: Gail Collier on 375 7057, extension 255 or Pam Murray, extension 383. 

Reader Writer — Image by: