Animation and Digital Imagery (Adx - Half year)

This course is available for Year 9 students in 2024

This digital course allows students to create visual ideas on computer that forms a basic computer- generated animation from their own independent interest area eg; a Basketball bouncing around inside the frame of a static image to a more sophisticated ‘Time-Based Art’ moving image video.

Programs available to students’: Adobe Animate, Photoshop and Premier.

Students will learn to create their own animations using Adobe software available to students both in the Art Department and those who own a laptop – the programs are available and licensed at no personal cost to each student for 12 months.

This course offers an alternative opportunity for students who prefer to use technology to create visual imagery rather than traditional static art drawing techniques.

Course Outcomes:

Students will be able to show their work on screens around the school for others to enjoy and also gain credits in NCEA in 2024 and attend extended YooBee courses in Year 11.

Students can use their own laptop computer but will need a transfer device eg; USB. This course enables student direct entry into 10 ADx in this subject.

Contact Person: Mr Murray