Message from the Deputy Principal
Update from Mrs Meyrick
A huge thank you and congratulations to the Friends of the School who organised the disco last Friday night for our tamariki. We are so lucky to have a group of parents dedicated to fundraising for our kura, so we can offer "extra" opportunities for all tamariki. Also to our wonderful staff who also attended this event, this was hugely appreciated.
The Friends of the School is on the look out for new members to help them organise two fundraising events a term. If you are interested in joining this wonderful, talented bunch of parents, then please leave your name and phone number at the office and we will be in contact. Already this year, the Friends of the School have provided funding for the buses to Beach Education, purchased new rugby tops and have supported us to resource the Te Whare Mauri Ora space with play equipment.
As we come to the end of Term 2, I reflect with pride on what has been happening at our kura. Reading the reports that parents are receiving on the last day of term, has made me feel proud of the teaching practice our staff provide and the learning gains our students' are making. But by far the best thing about reading reports, is the comments made about how individual characters' are developing. Students are displaying positive attitudes, perseverance and co-operation with peers to get the learning done to the best of their abilities. Our learners are striving to self-regulate daily emotions, co-operate and show respect for others to make these learning gains. Please celebrate with your child their individual progress.
I wish you all a safe and happy term break. I look forward to seeing tamariki and whānau back on Monday the 26th July for an exciting and engaging Term 3!