Message from the Tumuaki
Update from Mr Sim
Kia ora koutou,
This week has been a really important one for us as a school and across New Zealand as it has been Kindness week. One of the best things about our school is our ability to celebrate the wonderful diversity we have in all its forms. On Friday 19 May we will be joining in with Pink Shirt Day and encouraging our staff and students to Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora - Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying! To celebrate this important kaupapa we will be participating in classroom and school wide activities to increase kindness and talk about how bullying can affect people.
We will also be fundraising to support Pink Shirt Day on Friday 19th May by wearing something pink and bringing in a gold coin donation. The funds raised will be given directly to the New Zealand Mental Health Foundation.
We have recently started the Reading Together programme which is being led by Mrs Marsh and Mrs Meyrick. This programme is another initiative we have introduced alongside structured literacy to continue to raise reading achievement in a significant and sustained manner. We have been delighted by the number of parents who are involved in this programme.
This afternoon we are holding our Pasifika Fono which is a great way to connect with our Pasifika parents. Miss Geddes and Mrs Mugford have done an amazing job coordinating this alongside the Pasifika children and it is always an event that we look forward to
Mrs Foulds organised a wonderful visit from the Strike Percussion group as part of our inquiry this term. It was wonderful to have this group visit our school and for some of our children to be involved playing the percussion instruments.
Assembly this week is being run by M2 at 9:15am in Te Whare. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please make sure that you have downloaded the @school app as this is the app we use to communicate with families. If you have forgotten how to access your @school account or need your login and password please contact Shelley or Julia in the office -
Ngā mihi nui Alistair Sim (Principal / Tumuaki)