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Shirley Primary School —

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

There are two opportunities coming up that our school offers as an ‘extra’ opportunity for students with their learning.

  1. ICAS (see information below and the attached form) Years 3-6 only

  2. Kiwi Competitions is the New Zealand version (separate information/entry sheet) Years 5/6 only

The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) is an independent, quality skills-based assessment program which rewards and recognises achievement. ICAS gives you broad insights into your child’s performance across English, Mathematics, Science, Digital Technologies, Spelling and Writing. ICAS (sometimes referred to as the UNSW assessments) has been developed by Educational Assessment Australia (EAA) since 1981.

These will be all online tests apart from Year 4 and Year 5 writing as this is only available on paper form.

If you have any questions around whether your child should be doing the tests, please come and see myself or your child’s classroom teacher to discuss the ICAS options.

Each student receives:

  • an individual diagnostic report highlighting strengths and weaknesses and year to year progression

  • login details to access their online results which can be analysed and downloaded

  • a High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, Merit or Participation Certificate acknowledging their level of achievement

  • the chance to receive an individually-engraved UNSW medal for the highest scoring student in each year level for each subject.

To learn more about ICAS go to www.eaa.unsw.edu.au/icas/about Remember, EAA has some very helpful tools to help your child prepare. You can access practice assessments at https://www.unswglobal.unsw.edu.au/?s=practise+ICAS

To enrol your child in ICAS, please complete the registration form and return it, with your entry fees, to the school no later than Friday 1st May (end of Week 1, Term 2).  Notice has gone home with Children.  If you require another one please ask at the school office.


Kind regards,

Ashley Parker