Hero photograph
Photo by Trineka Newton

Stage 2 build update

Ben Witheford —

Kia Ora - As we head full steam into the second week of our fourth year we have a quick and important update on the construction of stage 2. Brosnan and team are making good progress on stage 2. 

The steel frame has been completed and so now the roof installation begins tomorrow (Tuesday).  All going well, mainly in the wind department this will be a 6 - 7 day programme. There will be a crane installed on a slightly expanded sight at that end of kiss and drop for this period of time. They will not be operating between 8.45 and 9.15am and 2.45 and 3.15pm. However the footpath on the kiss and drop alongside the construction site will have restricted access. It would be advisable to use  different access to school during this week, such as the main entrance off Stalker Road or the back gate off Peppercorn Terrace.

Thanks for your assistance.
