Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Cooke

2018 Skiing Reminder

Jackie from Accounts —

Just a quick reminder to have your google forms complete by Friday so we can make up the groups to send to NZ Ski.

Don't forget to purchase your season pass from NZ Ski if you haven't already..

Invoices have been added to student account and emailed to parents for the school skiing programme - these are due to be paid before the programme starts as we have to forward the monies onto NZ Ski.

All students will be skiing in their habitat groups.

Google forms have been sent to all families and are mostly completed - thank you.  Please have these completed by Friday, 22 June.  

Reminders will be sent out closer to the time for the parent information evening and the parent help evening.  Thank you to all the parents who have confirmed they can help out this year.

Any skiing or snowboarding queries, please contact Jackie Rule on 4090005 or jackie@shotover.school.nz