Hero photograph
Photo by Claire Buist

Kimi Aakau Upcoming Events

Claire Buist —

There certainly is a lot going on this term. Below is a list of just some of the events.

Road Patrol Celebration

Our brave Road Patrollers have been out in all kinds of weather over the year ensuring the roads are safe for our school community. To show our appreciation of their hard work, we would like to send the students to the AJ Hackett 30th Birthday celebration. This will take place on Friday 9th November.

Year 8s Transition to High School

On Friday 16 November, Year 9 students at Wakatipu High School will host the 2019 New Entrants at the high school. They will begin with an assembly for the new entrants and their parents on the day. Students will learn a little bit about high school life. They will tour the school, meet other students, engage in some team-building activities, and meet their deans and student house leaders. Please ensure that you make travel arrangements for you and your Year 8 child for the day to and from the high school as necessary. Shotover staff do not attend the day.

St John Training

Friday 30th November and Monday 3rd December Kimi ākāu students will be involved in a variety of first aid training activities with our local St John trainers. Everyone will learn how to respond in an emergency, They will also be learning some basic first aid. The older students will learn CPR.

Youth Booth Sports Afternoon

On Friday, the 7th December at 12pm a group will be attending a sports afternoon in Frankton with the "Wakatipu Youth Booth". More details will be made available once everything has been finalised. We may need to ask for parent help with this activity.

Year 8s Leavers' Celebrations

There are two significant events to mark on the calendar for our Year 8s. On the 14th of December the Year 8s will present a special assembly. This is a fun celebration of their time at our school including the Year 8 band, skits and the infamous Year 8 medley. Be prepared to have a laugh!

The Year 8 Leavers' Ceremony is a formal event with an inspirational speaker. The Year 8s will present their Legacy. The whole school community is also invited to this event. There will be a supper after the event for the Year 8 students, their families and the staff.

More Dates to Remember:

20th November - Central Otago Athletics

21st November - SPS Twilight Market

14th December - Te Awa Celebration Day

14th December - Year 8s Afternoon Special Assembly

17th December - Year 8s Leavers Ceremony (All welcome)

19th December - Whole School Bring and Sing (Our end of year celebration in the form of a picnic concert)