Brodie Paterson — Jan 30, 2024

Check out the latest from the office...

Contact Details - It is very important that we have your up-to-date contact details. If you have had a change in cell phone number/email address/home address since the enrolment of your children, please let us know by emailing Brodie at the office.

Student Accounts - If you have any queries regarding your student accounts, please do not hesitate to give Brodie a call on 03 409 0005 or email  

Our school account number is ASB Queenstown | 12 3405 0008709 00.
Don't forget to put your child's name in the reference when making payment. 
You do not have to make seperate payments for each item, just one payment is fine. 
It can be a good idea to set up an automatic payment.  If you need help with this, please give us a call.

Leaving SPS? - Is your child leaving SPS?  Please email Mission Control at with the details.  This enables us to prepare the transfer documents for their new school.

Attendance Matters - Please ensure that you let the office know if your child is going to be away. You can do this by way of our HERO app or email the office. To get the Hero app, search for HERO in your app store or Google play and download, login using the email address you provided when enrolling your child. Any problems, please email or telephone 03 409 0005.  Failure to inform us will result in your child being marked as 'truant'.  

Lateness - If you are running late in the morning or have been away at an appointment, please come in via the office to sign in on the tablet.

Lost Property - Is kept in Kimi Akau, please take the time to have a look.  Any left over items will be donated to charity. Jewellery and watches are kept at the office, please see Brodie for any missing small items.

Our policy:

Medicine - Any medication that needs to be taken during school hours should be brought in by a parent/caregiver at the start of the day and kept at the Sick bay at the office. Please speak to the mentors so they are aware to remind them if needed, and feel free to pop a note in your child's lunchbox to remind them to come down to take it. We will sign off when it has been administered.