Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Cooke


Lisa Cooke —

A few weekends ago, a team of staff from Shotover Primary School...

A few weekends ago, a team of staff from Shotover Primary School participated in the Relay for Life held at the Lake Hayes Pavilion.  After the opening ceremony at 12.00pm on Saturday,  and the sunshine out in full bloom, we settled into a tag team timetable walking in teams of twos and threes until Erica from The Hayes generously provided the whole team (including our families) with the most delicious meal of pizzas.  These pizzas were equally appreciated at 3.00am!

On into the night we walked with a skeleton crew of Vicki, Kirsty, Emma and myself.  We were very grateful to see Anna at 5.30am and then more staff and their children to bring the team home at 12.00pm on Sunday.

It was awesome to see so many parents and students of Shotover Primary School there.  If anyone would like to see our 'baton', it is on display in the school's trophy cabinet.

Team members:  Tamsin Clark, Trin Newton, Claire Buist, Vicki Elliott, Kirsty Grave, Emma Thompson, Jackie Rule, Zac Brazel, Sarah File, Maree Wheeler, Anna Browne, Karyn Wallis, Lisa Cooke