Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Cooke

It is winter…

Ben Witheford —

Unless you’re not getting out much in recent weeks you’ll have noticed that winter conditions are almost on us.

Therefore we need to keep in mind this increases the potential for a disrupted school day due to snow, ice and other winter, alpine weather conditions.
Below are the two main adverse weather scenarios, and the methods of communication that we will use re adverse weather.

  1. Adverse Weather Overnight and Early Morning

A representative on behalf of Wakatipu School’s liaises with QLDC’s roading contractor and makes a decision re any changes to the school day. If changes are made the likely changes are:

  1. School is open as normal
  2. School has a delayed start
  3. School is closed.

Please note that we liaise with all the schools in the Wakatipu Basin, and that our decisions are generally coordinated.

  1. Adverse Weather During the School Day

Please note that closing the school early is problematic for a number of reasons, and we will try and run school until the normal end of day if possible. Accordingly we do not want parents coming to school to collect their children unless specifically notified to do so.

The likely scenarios for adverse weather events during the school day are:

  1. School runs until normal time.
  2. School closes early.
  3. In an extreme adverse weather event, students may be kept at school until travel is safe.


  • We will use the following channels for communicating with families about adverse weather impacts. They are listed in the order we will post the information.
    • App alert - please download the free Shotover App. Make sure when you install you allow notifications. App for Android  App for IOS
    • Facebook - Make sure you have ‘liked’ our page so it turns up in your feed.
    • Website - we will aim to have the website homepage updated with information by 7am on the day of any adverse weather changes to the school timetable/opening. This will be in the banner at the top of the homepage
    • Radio - announcements will also be made on local radio stations

Our primary concern is the safety of our students and this will always be paramount in our decision making.


Ben Witheford
