Ready, Respectful and Safe! That's How We Do It Here!
At Shotover, the children interact with many different adults during their day. We think it is important that all the adults have the same expectations and that we are consistent in our approach. For this reason we have developed 3 mantras that we are talking about school wide.
The three Mantras are “the way we do things here”. We discuss these with the children by explaining that when we all come through the gate we live and learn together with these Mantras. The three Mantras are:
‘Ready’ - Ready is the right time, right place and the right attitude. Readiness for all things including being ready for learning, ready to listen, ready to go to lunch etc.
‘Respectful’ - Respectful is caring for ourselves, our people and our environment. When people are respectful, they are showing respect to their peers, to adults, to their environment, to themselves.
‘Safe’ - Safe is taking actions that look after myself and others. Being safe at school leads to everyone feeling safe in the learning environment, safe with the people around them and safe in the activities in which they are taking part in.
We will focus on one mantra every fortnight this year and would genuinely appreciate your support by talking to your child about these Mantras, using the same language.
This fortnight, the focus is being ‘READY’.
If you have any questions or would like to know more, please feel free to contact the Hapori APs - Brendon (Hapori C), Muireann and Milly (Hapori B) or Claire (Hapori D).