Ben Witheford — Mar 23, 2016

Kia Ora, a really good night last Wednesday at the screening of the movie, Most Likely to Succeed. It was brilliant to see so many parents there, committing quite a bit of time to wondering what education might look like for our kids.

There are no easy answers to that question, and there are certainly no guaranteed answers. What is great is we have all Wakatipu schools working together to work through these exciting and challenging matters.

Thank you very much for those of you that have taken action with enrolling your child if they’re due to start in the next couple of years. We really appreciate the firmer numbers and the assistance this provides us with planning. Please keep them coming.

Our first communicating learning conferences occur on Wednesday the 30th March, booking details can be found further on in the newsletter. The purpose of this is to set up the year in a face to face manner with the three main players in the learning process; parents, child and mentor. It is also a face to face check in to see how your child/ren have settled in.

Enjoy the extra long weekend with your families, we’ll see you back on Wednesday for the short run into the term break.

Ka Kite

Ben Witheford