Hero photograph
Sausage sizzle
Photo by pixabay.com

Term 1 Sausage Sizzle Information


Sausage Sizzle

For those new to the school, each Friday Friends of School (FOS) hold a sausage sizzle where the children can have a sausage in bread for lunch. We use fresh sausages from the Arrowtown Butchery, and there is a gluten free and vegan option. The sausage sizzle is a fundraising initiative for FOS.

If you would like to order for the whole term:1. Fill in the order form: https://goo.gl/forms/5nKC6xqXVzrCYLcE22. You will get automatic order confirmation including FOS bank details and total amount to pay ($3/sausage/week)3. Pay the amount to FOS bank account

Sausage Sizzle Volunteers

We are always looking for volunteers to help with the sausage sizzle. If you are available between 11.15 am to 12.30 pm on Fridays, we would love to hear from you. Not only are the sausage sizzles an important part of the school’s fundraising, but they are also a great way to meet new people. It is easy work, you don’t need to be a chef! If you would like to help out, even if it’s just for one Friday, please email shotoverss@gmail.com

CheersLeonyAdmin FOS Sausage Sizzle
Can you spare 1 hour-ish between 11.15 and 12.30 on Friday? We are always looking for volunteer, please email us if you can help even just one Friday