Trineka Newton — Mar 9, 2021

Please read the below information from the MoE.

The Ministry of Education have opened consultation about enrolment schemes in the Wakatipu Basin area – specifically:

The Education and Training Act 2020 brought in changes to the way enrolment schemes are developed – which means that from 1 January 2021, the Ministry is directly responsible (rather than Boards) for the development and consultation of new and amended enrolment schemes. We have been working with affected Boards in the area.

Information can be found at Enrolment schemes Wakatipu Basin - Education Conversation - Citizen Space. This includes an overview of the changes, more detailed information about how grand-parenting will work for RPS and QPS and a survey for feedback.

Representatives from MoE will be in Queenstown on Wednesday 10 March and Thursday 11th March holding public consultation sessions. More information about how to enrol for these sessions can be found at the link in the previous paragraph.

If you have any questions regarding this please send to