Hero photograph
Shotover Wetlands April 2017
Photo by Jill Hodgson

Latest news from the Wetlands

Jill Hodgson —

The 2017 Shotover Wetland Squad have had their first trip down to the Wetlands.   Some "workers" helped spread the bark.  Our information pamphlet is now printed and ready to be distributed.  We have a great book on what to plant in the area available for purchase at the office for $10. We are looking for an awesome volunteer to help with maintenance of the Wetlands. Finally, thanks to those who have popped down to spread the bark around the plants and along the bern. It is looking great.    

Last Friday the students went down to the Wetlands with Briana Pringle from QLDC to identify places for signage so that people can find the Wetlands.  They also looked at existing QLDC signage options and discussed what would be best for us to have.  Our next step is to create some design options then get feedback from the Parks and Recreation Department at QLDC as to whether or not our designs meet the criteria.  You can follow our progress by visiting our blog.

We are very excited that our information pamphlet is now printed and ready for us to deliver.  This was put together by last year's Shotover Squad and explains what we are doing and how you can help.

The Wakatipu Reforestation Trust (WRT) has published an awesome resource book about growing native plants in the Wakatipu area. You can purchase a book for a donation of $10, with the money being used to purchased two plants for planting in our area. These books are available at the office.

Nita Smith from the WRT is organising a scrub bar training session through DOC and was wondering if a parent/family member or interested person in our community would like to undertake this training.  Once trained the person(s) would be able to assist with the maintenance of our wetland area.  At present the WRT maintenance crew help out but they are being stretched as the number of areas they care for increase in size and number.  If you are interested in helping out  please contact myself, Jill Hodgson at jill@shotover.school.nz.

Finally, if you have a couple of hours free, a wheelbarrow/buckets, please feel free to organise some friends and pop down to continue spreading the bark.  Our idea is that the bern will be covered in bark which will help prep the planting area for our late October planting day.