Hero photograph
Photo by Michael Harrop

Reporting to Whānau

Michael Harrop —

We have changed our reporting process - and we'd love to hear from you!

As you will know by now - we have moved away from single moment in time written reports at mid and end of year, and replaced this with what we believe is a more complete picture of your child's learning. 

It is not just one item - but several ways of reporting that work together to give you a holistic snapshot of the progress your child is making throughout his or her time at school. 

One of the pieces of this reporting model, is the Reporting Folder that can be accessed through Seesaw. The video below will give you a bit of insight into this, how it fits with the rest of the reporting home process and how to access it. Teachers will be talking about this in the learner conversations this week to ensure everyone knows how it all works together. 

We'd also like to gather our communities feedback on reporting. At the Learner Conversations, caregivers have been asked to complete a survey aimed at finding out your thoughts around our reporting system. If you haven't already filled this out, you can access the survey here.